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Worm Castings Phosphorus

Natural Worm Castings Phosphorus contain no artificial or synthetic materials and is renewable, biodegradable and sustainable.Worm Castings Phosphorus , managed properly using the right nutrient source, at the right rate, in the rate place and at the right time (known as the 4Rs), are crucial to feeding the growing world necessary nutrition to the growing plants, and then after harvest apply a different kind of granular Worm Castings Phosphorus to the field to replenish nutrients in the soil and improve soil health.Since granular Worm Castings Phosphorus is solid, it offers a slow-release of nutrients to plants, allowing a little bit to go a leaching potential and little or no burn potential.Because granular Worm Castings Phosphorus do not immediately affect plants, it may take a long time for positive results to show. Plants may not receive nutrients fast enough to help them recover from deficiencies. Granular Worm Castings Phosphorus also need moisture and warm t