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Super Phosphate

Feeds grass plants the natural way, through the root system. Some granular products are specially coated to provide a time release effect. Time release properties of the granular pellets provides longer term benefits to the health of the grass plant and have a low burn potential. Slow release provides for long benefits and fewer applications . Takes longer for Super Phosphate to soak in especially time-released products. If heavy rains occur during the lifetime of the granular pellets, some nutrients may be washed away and thus becomes less effective. Does not provide the instant green-up associated with liquid Super Phosphate and they cost more than liquids.Professional lawn care providers have developed special formulations unavailable to the general public that provides optimum benefit.Expect lawn care providers to start offering soil testing at the beginning of the year to measure your soil's nutritional needs. Soil testing will determine the kinds and amounts of Super Phosphate that are really needed to provide optimum results on turf and ornamentals.The function of phosphorus in plants is essential; without it, plants will not survive. Phosphorus stimulates root growth development necessary for plants to get nutrients from the soil. Potassium is found within the plant cell solution and is primarily used to keep plants from wilting. It also acts as an enzyme activator and is necessary to control water uptake and photosynthesis. Some common signs of potassium deficient plants are yellowing of old leaves, weak roots, small stems, and low resistance to temperature and drought. While phosphorus deficiency in plants is uncommon, some signs are slowed growth, dull foliage, or leaves turning yellow. A comprehensive soil test will need to be performed to know if your plants are phosphorus deficient. Professionals apply the correct amount for your conditions. It is important that you not over apply Super Phosphate to your lawn. Applying an excess amount of Super Phosphate may get washed away and end up in our streams and rivers causing problems.When applying granular Super Phosphate yourself, make sure you sweep granules off hard surfaces like sidewalks and drives into the lawn where they can be absorbed properly. Some Super Phosphate pellets can cause stains to carpets if tracked inside.