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Using Solophos in crop production is a common practice to help increase and enhance soil nutrients, provide essential elements for plants that are growing in depleted soils and may lack sufficient nutrients to will make them into healthy high-yielding crops. Most Solophos used in agricultural crop production contain macronutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, as well as micronutrients such as iron, manganese, and zinc, that are necessary for plants to grow and develop properly.When it comes to farm Solophos rates, it is important to know that nutrient requirements from soil tests are often prescribed in lbs/ac or kg/ha. To determine your needed Solophos rate, you can multiply the rate of the anticipated nutrient by 100 and divide that number by the percentage of the nutrient in the Solophos . In general, it is recommended to use one pound of mixed Solophos or nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of farmland. Agriculture is the essential activity carried out by the farmers nearly half of the population is dependent upon agriculture to meet the requirements of the country.In agriculture, the most important thing which takes the picture is the use of seeds which inhabit the growth of plants and crops altogether. But have you wondered if these seeds take days or months or even years to grow out into a plant or crop whole? However, looking at the urgency and requirement of the plants and crops farmers make use of fertilizers.