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Essential nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus(P), potassium (K) and lime are required by plants in order to grow and achieve optimum production. Nutrient management plans provide farmers with information on how to grow crops to their potential from their farming system. This information includes when to apply nutrients, where to apply nutrients and how to apply to achieve optimum Single Super Phosphate Contains usage and uptake by plants.Soil is the most important asset on our farms to successfully grow crops. It is essential that best practice is adopted with good nutrient management to maintain and improve soil fertility as to achieve expected crop yields.Single Super Phosphate Contains is a material added to soil to supply plants with essential nutrients. Single Super Phosphate Contains contain one or more of the three main plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium. Each of these nutrients performs a different role.The first step is to establish where level of soil fertility is present. This is achieved by taking a soil sample. When taking a soil sample, take from same soil type, cropping history and management. A single sample should be taken every four years with a maximum area of 4Ha. Soil fertility for both P and K is based on an index system.Some Single Super Phosphate Contains are tailored to different plants. For example, tomato Single Super Phosphate Contains will be high in potassium to encourage flowering and fruiting, while lawn Single Super Phosphate Contains are high in nitrogen for leafy growth.Manufactured Single Super Phosphate Contains contain a predictable ratio of phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen. These nutrients are dissolved and reach a plant’s cells quickly, right where they are needed. This nutrient consistency in Single Super Phosphate Contains allows for efficient production on a commercial scale.Because Single Super Phosphate Contains provide the primary nutrients needed for efficient plant growth, plants are able to grow more quickly and larger than if they weren’t being fed the fertilizers.