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Phosphorus Plant Food

Liquid Phosphorus Plant Food applications can provide a readily available food source in early spring and the end of summer. To provide both short-term and long-term nutrients, we recommend applying granular and liquid at the same time.For this reason, we are proud to give homeowners a better option. Granular organic-based Phosphorus Plant Food help keep your soil healthy and nutrient rich which helps your grass develop deep and strong roots that will help fight off diseases and other common lawn problems. The best part of using green products is that they are safe for you, your family, pets, and the rest of nature’s inhabitants. This includes the insects and other beneficial active organisms, such as earthworms, in the soil.It’s important to know if the nitrogen source is Water-Soluble Nitrogen (WSN) or Water-Insoluble Nitrogen (WIN). When using organic WSN, what the plant does not absorb will leach. If you are looking at a liquid application, we suggest using a soil drench to get product into the soil where biology can break it down. When utilizing organic liquid Phosphorus Plant Food , remember that nitrogen value decreases when liquid products are diluted in water. Additionally, they do not start with the high #N that’s in traditional synthetic Phosphorus Plant Food . Due to this fact, organic liquid Phosphorus Plant Food require more frequent applications because the #N per application is very low. These factors lead to a higher cost per #N for a liquid application in comparison to granular.High quality applications of Phosphorus Plant Food are like a vitamin for your lawn. Many of us take daily vitamins to make sure we are getting the nutrients and minerals that we need to stay healthy, your lawn needs nutrients to stay healthy, too. To figure out what Phosphorus Plant Food would work best for your lawn and grass type talk to professionals here at Greenfeet Lawncare. To save time for yourself and to make sure your lawn is getting the best service, ask about professional application and maintenance.