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Phosphorus For Lawns

Granular organic-based Phosphorus For Lawns have a few outstanding benefits besides being safer for the environment and all those living in it. Granular Phosphorus For Lawns require no drying time like liquid Phosphorus For Lawns do before it is safe to come in contact with the grass again. Children and pets can walk and play in the yard immediately after application. This is possible because of the granules are coated and have time to settle into the topsoil before releasing the Phosphorus For Lawns they contain. Having this advanced timed-release type of system helps to avoid over-fertilizing or under-fertilization of areas because of the slow release of the Phosphorus For Lawns . Having a controlled slow and steady release of the Phosphorus For Lawns is actually better for your lawn maintenance than dosing your lawn with a high concentration of Phosphorus For Lawns all at once.liquid fertilization is usually applied with a long spray hose attached to the water tanks in or on the truck. When spraying any liquid, wind becomes a factor and can carry the liquid anywhere it wants. The granulars are heavier and tend to fall where they are intended to be.A granular treatment is also more time effective, as the technician is walking or riding in a pattern over the lawn to spread the product evenly. The more time effective, the more cost effective which has a beneficial impact for both the customer and the company. The time it takes for the technician to walk and drag a hose around the yard, house and landscaping can reduce the number of treatments completed each day or increase the hours a technician has to work, in turn reflecting that cost onto the customer.