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Phosphorus Fertilizers

Though often overlooked, calcium is essential to plant growth and is one of the primary trucker nutrients in the soil. Calcium will bind to nutrients like nitrogen and transport it directly to the plant. Without the proper calcium base saturation (65%-75%), nutrients become bound up in the soil. Having an appropriate concentration of calcium in plants will increase production and growth. While some liquid Phosphorus Fertilizers may be more expensive than granular Phosphorus Fertilizers , AgriTec has worked to ensure that our products are affordable, often being cheaper than granular. Calcium is also responsible for cell division. As a plant grows, each cell divides into new cells, which divide continuously. The catalyst for this process is calcium. Without calcium, cells will not divide, and the plant won’t grow. When dealing with terminal crop growth, it is due to a lack of available calcium in the soil. Low calcium levels can mean slower growth, greater risk for disease, and poor crop production.Granular Phosphorus Fertilizers contribute to the organic matter in the soil and provide nutrients in substantial ways. We find granular products are easy to apply and do not require a lot of training for your employees: simply follow the bag label! Our PJC ProHealthy Turf granular Phosphorus Fertilizers contain Water Insoluble Nitrogen (WIN), so leaching is less of a concern. WIN Phosphorus Fertilizers are dependent on soil biology to break down the product and make nutrients available to the plant. Depleted soils may take longer to break down materials due to lower soil biology. Additionally, granular applications last longer than liquid applications. These factors mean that the cost per #N is typically less than liquid. Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizers seems the obvious choice, especially considering that only 20% of granular Phosphorus Fertilizers make it to the plant. AgriTec’s liquid Phosphorus Fertilizers and soil amendments can all be applied through any standard ground or aerial application equipment and through any standard irrigation or fertigation systems. Bio-activated liquid calcium can also be mixed with most herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and liquid Phosphorus Fertilizers . Calcium is also responsible for cell division. As a plant grows, each cell divides into new cells, which divide continuously. The catalyst for this process is calcium. Without calcium, cells will not divide, and the plant won’t grow. When dealing with terminal crop growth, it is due to a lack of available calcium in the soil. Low calcium levels can mean slower growth, greater risk for disease, and poor crop production.Some physical signs of a calcium deficiency are rust spots on leaf margins, hollow stems and branches, slowed plant growth, leaves twist and curl, and the middle and lower growth show symptoms first.