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Phosphorus Based Fertilizer

Phosphorus Based Fertilizer supply plants with the elements that may be missing or in short supply in a form that can be used by the plants for faster growth. Most Phosphorus Based Fertilizer supply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The other elements needed by plants are required in much lower quantities (trace elements) and are generally available in most soils. In nature, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium often come from the decay of plants that have died.Superphosphate is an artificial Phosphorus Based Fertilizer and is the most important Phosphorus Based Fertilizer used in New Zealand. Farmers often shorten its name to ‘super’.Superphosphate was developed to address the shortage of phosphorus in soil. It is made by reacting finely ground phosphate rock with sulfuric acid. In this form, phosphate is rapidly released into the soil, where it can be used by plants. Superphosphate manufacture began in New Zealand in 1882, and over 3 million tonnes are produced annually. The main nutrients in superphosphate Phosphorus Based Fertilizer are calcium, sulfur and phosphorus.Potash (potassium chloride) is often combined with superphosphate to provide potassium. The nutrients in superphosphate promote the growth of clover. The clover then converts nitrogen gas in the atmosphere to the essential plant-available nitrogen.Phosphorus Based Fertilizer companies now often blend superphosphate with potash and add forms of nitrogen such as ammonium sulfate (if needed). Other elements may be added in. Different nutrient combinations are made depending on the needs of the soil and plants.