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Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer

Natural Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer contain no artificial or synthetic materials and is renewable, biodegradable and sustainable.Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer , managed properly using the right nutrient source, at the right rate, in the rate place and at the right time (known as the 4Rs), are crucial to feeding the growing world population, expected to reach around 10 billion people by 2050, and meeting food security needs. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, where Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer consumption is the lowest in the world at 2% of the global average, 40% of soils are depleted of nutrients while 243 million people suffer from hunger and malnutrition.Certain soluble Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer can also be combined with irrigation water to provide plants with nutrients and water in the most efficient way possible. This method, called fertigation, can be carried out in arid or semi-arid regions with extremely simplified irrigation systems, preventing water being wasted and helping to reclaim lost farmland. Farmers are increasing looking for more cost effective and longer lasting Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer as an alternative to traditional synthetic Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer . They understand that natural Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer not only improve soil structure and aeration, it is PH neutral, improves water holding ability and all importantly, encourages micro-biological activity in the soil.Natural Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer not only feed your plants but they improve the health of your soil. Natural Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer (manures) contain organic carbon which is the key to maintaining soil health.Plants thrive with optimum nutrient levels including NPKS (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulphur), Calcium and trace elements and minerals – all contained in varying amounts within our products.Healthy soils and plants can better withstand climate stress than those with nutrient deficiencies. By increasing crops’ resilience, Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer best management practice is vital for farmers that need to maximize their yields in good seasons to make up for more severe weather events in bad seasons.