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Npk 23 10 5

When choosing Npk 23 10 5 think about what you need it for. If you're looking for a lawn feed you'll need a high nitrogen (N) feed, if you want a bumper crop of chillies, tomatoes or aubergines, go for a high potassium (K) feed, like a tomato feed. If you're planting and want to aid root growth faster to apply as a dissolved solution. It can be injected through your water hose, sprinkler, or mixed in a bucket and poured alongside the plants.Soluble concentrate liquid Npk 23 10 5 must be mixed with the required amount of water and sprayed onto your lawn. The amount applied can be applying granules, as they will work best in a dry environment rather than a damp one. You’ll also want to avoid applying granular products before a heavy rain, which could cause run-off or pooling.Overall, it is important to consider both types of Npk 23 10 5 when deciding what is best for your l