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Granular nitrogen inputs are extremely important for bolstering soil nutrient levels and creating healthy turf. Both inorganic and organic granular nitrogen sources can play an important role in fertility programs. Organic-based Npk 15 10 15 not only supply nitrogen, they also increase soil carbon Granular organic-based Npk 15 10 15 help keep your soil healthy and nutrient rich which helps your grass develop deep and strong roots that will help fight off diseases and other common lawn problems. The best part of using green products is that they are safe for you, your family, pets, and the Npk 15 10 15 to explain the pros and cons of using liquid vs. granular for your food plot Npk 15 10 15 .Liquid lawn Npk 15 10 15 is a nutrient-rich liquid that you spray onto your lawn. It comes in a concentrated form, which you must dilute with water before application. Liquid Npk 15 10 15 are f