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Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer

Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer are an important tool in any garden, lawn, commercial farming operation, or landscape maintenance enterprise. Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer help growers, gardeners and professionals like farmers and golf course superintendents maintain their plants, grass and trees in good health, maximize crop yields, and keep lawns lush and green.Sulfur, magnesium, and calcium, while used in smaller amounts than the "big three" are still used in relatively large amounts by many plants and are called, along with the "big three" macro nutrients. Other nutrients used by most plants but in much smaller amounts are boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, chlorine, manganese and iron. These are called micro nutrients. Some types of Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer will contain one or more of these other nutrients. They will appear on the label, but separately from the three numbers representing the "big three.Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer supplement essential nutrients in the soil needed by all plants for healthy, vigorous growth. Contrary to popular belief, Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer are not plant food. Plants manufacture their own food from water and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer instead provide the nutrients plants need to grow. Think of Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer as plant vitamins.All Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer contain one or more of the "big three" plant nutrients; nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. These nutrients are used by all plants in the largest amounts and most soils lack enough of one or more of these to sustain long-term healthy, vigorous growth, especially under conditions of continuous cultivation, like farming. Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer are labeled with a series of three numbers separated by dashes; 10-12-16. These are the relative percentages, by weight, of each nutrient contained by the Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer .