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Bio Phosphate Fertilizer

Potassium is an essential nutrient for keeping pastures productive and maintaining their legume component. Potassium Bio Phosphate Fertilizer is required to replace the losses that occur through livestock urine and dung, leaching, transport to farm tracks and yards, and sale of meat, milk and wool.Bio Phosphate Fertilizer crop production contain macronutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, as well as micronutrients such as iron, manganese, and zinc, that are necessary for plants to grow and develop properly.When it comes to farm Bio Phosphate Fertilizer rates, it is important to know that nutrient requirements from calculated and the feed is distributed evenly using a sprayer. Be sure to always use the appropriate Personal Protected Equipment (PPE) when using the product.The granules of granular Bio Phosphate Fertilizer are stored in buckets or bags and with the use of a hand or push spreader can evenly be spread across your l